Rebecca’s Vacation

I recently took Rebecca on vacation with me and she had a great time, here are a few pictures from the trip!



I got a doll snowboard for Christmas and I loved taking snow pictures with it!



Ignore the fingers holding the board on this one haha!!


And here are some photos of Rebecca in this beautiful dress I got for Christmas from RainbowLilyDesigns on Etsy!



I hope you guys enjoyed, thanks for reading!

Happy Holidays!

Hi everyone! Happy holidays! I decided to share my annual all my dolls photo for the holidays, and a few extras!


My collection has changed so much this year, I love the diversity that I have in my collection now, here are their names from left to right as well as if I bought/got them this year:

Top row: Eleven, Samantha, Cecile, Rebecca, Caroline (new this year, an older doll and a  gift from my sister for my birthday. I sent her to the doll hospital and she is gorgeous), Logan (new this year, I bought him the day he was released!)

Bottom Row: Shannon, Maryellen, Lea, Annalise (new this year, a gift!), Nanea (new this year, I also bought her on her release day!), Eliza (new this year, a gift!), Saige

Front: Tipi (given to me to review this year), Nahji, Emerson


Since tomorrow is the first night of Hanukkah, I took this photo of my two Jewish dolls, Rebecca and Lea. I hope that if any of you celebrate Hanukkah, like Rebecca and Lea, you have a great time!


Plus, here’s this photo I took of Cecile that I absolutely love!

Hope you all enjoyed, and happy holidays!

Christmas Themed Photos

Hi everyone! I was in the Christmas spirit today so I took a few photos, I hope you like them!


Eliza, my Z, is Christmas shopping!


After, she put Christmas lights onto her scoter! I think it adds a festive touch!


I found a picture I liked that I never posted. It was one of the last pictures I took at my old house.

2017-10-23 07.13.02.jpg

Here’s a picture I took awhile ago of my Eleven doll. I love Stranger Things and really enjoyed the second season. Do you guys watch the show?

Thanks for reading, I hope you like my new pictures!

The Liebster Award (and some photos of Z)

Hi everyone! I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Hope (its not letting me provide a link through her name so, thank you so much!



  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Display the award on your blog.
  3. Provide ten random facts about yourself. (optional)
  4. Nominate 5-11 bloggers whom you feel deserve this award and have less than 200 followers.
  5. List these rules.
  6. Inform the nominees.


10 Random Facts:


  1. I LOVE animals and I have 3 dogs, 2 rabbits, and 3 chickens.
  2. I love to read
  3. I really love photographing and making stopmotions with my dolls, directing is a passion and dream of mine
  4. I collect AG cats because I’m allergic to them XD
  5. I like to draw
  6. I’m obsessed with the Broadway musical Hamilton
  7. I never blog anymore, sorry guys, but you can find me on instagram and youtube where I upload often
  8. I love writing scripts for stopmotions in my free time
  9. I could never chose a favorite doll
  10. I got a dollhouse for my birthday that I am still painting and furnishing, but I will post photos of it someday!


I nominate:

YOU! Anyone reading this who would like to participate should! Just say that I nominated you in your post 🙂


And just because, here are some photos of Z!





Thanks for reading!